May 2019 Sponsor: The Rambling Runner Podcast


Thank you to Matt Chittim and The Rambling Runner Podcast for sponsoring the newsletter this month. I’d also like to encourage you to subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify, if you’re interested in inspiring stories from amateur runners who are working hard to improve while balancing running with the rest of their lives. Matt started the show in July of 2017—“I didn’t have any demographic in mind when I started the show,” he admitted to me. “In fact, I didn’t expect anyone to listen.”—but it really took off in 2018, surpassing a million downloads, and is now frequently ranked as one of the top-200 sports podcasts by Apple Podcasts, while also having been featured in ShapeMen’s Health, and Inc. I started listening to the show last year after recognizing a name I knew (Tyler Underwood, who runs with my former club in San Diego) and have been subscribed ever since. A couple other episodes I’ve enjoyed include Brigitte Bradford, which I ended up going back and listening to after meeting her on the plane to Boston a few weeks ago, Natalie Mitchell, who I’ve interacted with via social media, and Nick Klastava, whose name I recognized because I’ve seen it appear close to mine in race results. I was also a recent guest on the show, which furthered my appreciation for Matt’s easygoing interview style and love of sharing runners’ stories. Check it out if you’re looking for inspiring conversations with amateur runners who are making it happen day in and day out.

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