USA Track & Field Can’t Get Out Of Its Own Way
Erin Strout, writing for Runner’s World:
I’ve encountered a lot of knowledgeable people with the best intentions who are staff or volunteers at USATF. Unfortunately, their work is often overshadowed by a lot of nonsense at the top, and this is just the most recent example of an organization that can’t seem get out of its own way for the greater good of the sport.
My thoughts on the whole 2020 Olympic Trials ordeal haven’t changed from what I wrote last week (part of which ended up as‘s Quote of the Day on Wednesday) but veteran journalist Erin Strout shared some good ones of her own in this opinion piece for Runner’s World that further corroborates how sloppy of a situation this has become and just how much USA Track & Field’s leadership is paralyzing the growth of the sport in this country.