The Rules of Engagement and the Value of Influence

Photo: Marten Bjork on Unsplash

BUT, WHAT IF I’M NOT REALLY INTO RACING? The trouble with this logic is that it is arbitrary and narrow, ignoring the fact that cycling is many things to many people. If a company wants to sell stuff to people who ride bikes for adventure, or as an expression of their identity, they’ll naturally look to support athletes who embody those ideals. Why shouldn’t those niche companies be free to sponsor whoever they want?

Excellent piece on sponsorship, social media, creating value, and making yourself relatable and relevant as an athlete/ambassador/influencer in cycling. Substitute “running” for “cycling” or “run” for “ride bikes” here and all of it still holds true.

(For more on this topic, which is one I’ll continue to explore, listen to my recent podcasts with Simon FreemanMatt Taylor and Knox Robinson, and Dorothy Beal.)


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