What I’m Digging This Week:


 Lindsey Vonn on goal-setting and grit. This was a great interview and paints a pretty good picture of what gets Vonn fired up to compete. “I just kind of learned as a kid that there are no excuses,” Vonn told Adam Grant for Esquire. “You put your head down and you work. You don’t complain. Get the job done and keep working until the job is done right. I think that’s a reason why I’ve been so good at coming back from injury.”

 Falling in love with running for life. “Like in any relationship, a healthy running life is based on honesty,” Jonathan Beverly writes for Motiv Running. “Honesty about where we’re starting, how much we are able to give to the relationship at this time, and what goals are possible.” (Beverly’s book, Run Strong, Stay Hungry, was one of my 8 recommended reads of 2017.)

 These tips for breaking up with your phone. I thought about, and employed, many of these strategies for my end-of-the-year social media sabbatical a few months back. This article was a good reminder/reinforcer to keep most of my focus away from the small screen in my pocket.

 My Moleskine Cahier Journal. I own a bunch of these little pocket-size notebooks and take one with me wherever I go. I use it to jot down thoughts, ideas, quotes, lyrics, information, whatever I come across that’s interesting or might eventually prove useful. I could just as easily do this in the Notes app on my phone—and I often do—but there’s something about writing it down in a notebook that is more satisfying to me. Anyone else still like to go analog?

 The idea of hosting a 3-5 day running retreat in a beautiful mountain town this summer. Would anyone be interested in such a thing? Let me know by giving me a shout on Twitter. Just trying to gauge interest at this point.

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