Discovering Running Culture In The Mountains of Mexico


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“At its apex in the first millennium AD Teotihuacan was the largest city in the hemisphere and the sixth largest city in the world,” writes Knox Robinson, the maestro behind the always interesting @firstrun Instagram feed, “as you’re recovering from the run and the brain slowly by slowly comes back to itself, it’s impossible not to consider that if indeed we were made to be runners—as running was an essential part of the human toolkit that precipitated our exodus from southern Africa however long ago—then every run is part of a continuum reaching way back to our origins as a species: a conversation on who we were then, who we imagine ourselves to be today and where we might head, together, tomorrow.”

I’ve been digging the @firstrun Instagram feed of late. OK, to be fair, I’ve been digging it for a long time now but Knox Robinson’s recent excursion to the high-altitude environs of Mexico with his Black Roses NYC crew caught my attention recently and is worth a look. Incredible visuals and great storytelling around an interesting adventure that combines running, history, and culture in a unique and enviable way.

Additional reading: Check out my “Going Long” interview with Robinson from last January if you haven’t already.

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