How (and Why) To Keep Fighting

I picked up this book, How To Fight by Thich Nhat Hanh, a few years ago and revisit it often. It looks like it should be a quick page-turner but instead encourages you to slow down and spend some time thinking about the “note” you just read.

Marius Bakken Goes Into Detail About Lactate Threshold Training

Marius Bakken wrote a detailed blog post about the Norwegian model of lactate threshold training and lactate controlled approach to training that outlines the methodology followed today by folks like the Ingebrigtsen brothers and top triathletes like Kristian Blummenfelt and Gustav Iden.

Good Design Makes A Training Program Useful

I can’t remember if I’ve shared this before in the newsletter or not but Dieter Rams’ 10 Principles for Good Design is applicable to so many areas of life. I reference it often when designing training programs for my athletes. Number 2 is something of a guiding light for me: Good design makes a product useful.

Bernd Heinrich On Aging As A Runner

81-year-old is doing well after a recent car accident and as usual, I found a lot of wisdom in this interview he recently did with Amby Burfoot for Outside.

Chasing Beautiful Dreams at The Millrose Games

The Millrose Games were on Saturday in New York City. I didn’t watch the event live because I was racing myself but I enjoyed this post-race show called After The Final Lap with Chris Chavez and Kyle Merber of Citius Mag and special guest host, 2016 Olympic 1500m gold medalist Matthew Centrowitz. It’s unscripted, insightful, and pretty entertaining on the whole. I mean, it’s worth it alone to watch men’s Wanamaker Mile champion Ollie Hoare trying to chug beer out of the winner's trophy on a live broadcast.

Racing Advice You Can Apply To The Rest of Your Life (And Vice Versa)

These next few weeks and months are going to be hard—like, really hard. But in a lot of ways, the situation we find ourselves in right now isn’t much different than the circumstances we encounter during a tough race. Here’s some racing advice you can apply to the rest of your life (or vice versa).