Putting Failure Into Perspective
Professional mountain biker Syd Schulz, writing for the CTS blog:
Meditation teaches you to fail and to put those failures into perspective. The even bigger failure, meditation teaches you, is to dwell on those failures and let them affect the present moment.
I’m back on the mindfulness train after falling off of it post-Boston in April. My routine is far from fancy: ten minutes of guided practice in the morning before I dive into whatever I’m going to do for the day. In Issue 113, I wrote that my word for this year is “awareness.” Ironically enough, I lost focus on keeping that stated objective front of mind for the past few months. On some level, you could say that I failed. But this this article from professional mountain biker Syd Schulz provided some good perspective on failure and was the kick in the butt I needed to get back on the pillow and practice being present.