June 2018 Sponsor: Tracksmith
|Many thanks to Tracksmith for partnering with me to help bring you the morning shakeout this month. Tracksmith celebrates the history, culture, and competitive spirit of our great sport by creating high quality clothing, compelling content, and authentic on-the-ground experiences (if you’ve ever been to the Trackhouse on Boston Marathon weekend—or for any of their free group workouts throughout the week, for that matter—you know what I mean) for runners everywhere. Their mission to “celebrate, support and add to running’s distinct culture” in everything that they do aligns with my own objectives an an athlete, coach, and writer/podcast host. I’ve rocked a Tracksmith Twilight tank at the last two Boston Marathons and I’ve got a drawer full of their gear that I train and race in on the regular. In fact, check out this special collection of “Mario’s Picks” for a few of my favorite pieces of Tracksmith apparel (n.b. I LIVED in the Twilight long sleeve this spring—super lightweight, great fit, subtle design) and add some classic style to your running wardrobe. I’m super appreciative of Tracksmith’s support, which helps me bring the morning shakeout to you without cost and also affords me the opportunity to put more time and resources into it.