An Essential Tool for Opening Your Mind


Hakim Tafari:

Thich Nhat Hanh says, that in everything there should be a meditation. Walking, eating , sleeping, talking, everything should be a meditation, so why not fuse all of the things that we love; traveling, running and discovering new things, and using that mindfulness and forming that all together. It’s a beautiful, beautiful thing.

I caught wind of this interview with runner, Buddhist, and Thai chi practitioner Hakim Tafari with Aire Libre because I’m on their mailing list (co-founder Mauricio Diaz was my guest on Episode 26 of the podcast) and found it to be a good reminder of how I can approach my own running practice with better awareness and a more open mind. (There’s also a great little 5-minute guided meditation I’ve embedded above that’s worth checking out and giving a try.)

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