Aim For Prolificacy, Not Perfection


At the risk of sounding self-congratulatory, Issue 125 marked the 125th straight week that I’ve published the morning shakeout. It arrives every Tuesday morning between the hours of 2 and 3 AM PST, without exception, which is something I take a great deal of pride in. Some issues have been exceptional, others have been just OK, but every week there’s between 1500 and 2500 words from me in your inbox waiting to be read (unless your email provider sends it to spam, but that’s a different topic for another day).

My point? If you want to get better at anything, whether it’s running, writing, speaking—whatever it may be—you don’t have to knock it out of the park every time. But you do have to keep stepping up to the plate, you do have to keep showing up on a consistent basis, and you do have to keep getting your reps in, even if you miss wildly from time to time in the form of a bad workout, run-on sentences, or jumbled words. In short: aim for prolificacy—not perfection—learn from your mistakes, and adjust as necessary along the way.

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