the morning shakeout—a weekly email newsletter written, edited and published on Tuesday mornings by me, Mario Fraioli—takes your privacy very seriously. I will never share, sell, or otherwise do anything inappropriate with your email address. You will only be sent the newsletter that you subscribed to via this website, although I may send the mailing list additional emails outside the realm of normal delivery to announce important news or address any pressing issues relevant to subscribers. That’s it.
the morning shakeout uses MailChimp, a third-party email marketing platform, to collect and hold your email address in order to send you the information that you have requested. You can unsubscribe at any time (and for any reason) quickly and easily by clicking the link in the footer of any email you’ve received from the morning shakeout, or by sending an email here. To learn more about how MailChimp is storing and using your data, read their Privacy Policy and Terms. If you have specific questions about how MailChimp collects and uses your information in accordance with GDPR, please contact the MailChimp’s support team.
In the event that the morning shakeout ever updates its privacy policy, the new information will be posted on this page, which was last updated on May 28, 2018.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the morning shakeout or this privacy policy, please send an email here.